Vote Nation is an responsive website and mobile application that allows users to check voter registration and register to vote. For this project, I chose to use Figma like in the first project because I like the functionality of it and seems more commonly use in the UX field. In addition to this, I decided on a design method that would initially render desktop versions first followed by responsive web design including both phones and tablets. This design method also utilized the use of persona creation, goals, and user research. This was followed by usability studies and iterating on designs with the help of user feedback.

Users want a hassle free way check registration status and register to vote.


Design an application that allows users to easily and efficiently check registration status and register to vote. Additionally, in order to set us apart from competitors we want to incorporate other functionality such as upcoming elections reminders and an online merch store. We hope to gain valuable insight into what our users want to see in a new application through the use of extensive user research.

The process of user research began with the use of in-person interviews. Through these interviews I was able to determine our primary user group as well as the pain points associated with similar products out there. For this application, I determined that our primary user group was younger individuals, often college students. My initial assumption of this identified user group was correct and will make up the primary bulk of our application’s users. Through our research it was revealed that younger demographics aren't as engaged in politics and like the idea of an app to help them register to vote, check their status and keep them informed of upcoming elections . Other pain points that were discovered included: complicated registration processes and lack of registration apps on the market.
(1) Time & Proximity

(2) Complicated Registration Process

(3) Location

(4) Spam Emails

I analyzed many voter registration companies in order to better understand how our product would compare in the online market. Although our product is small in comparison to these other companies, I feel that we positioned ourselves to stand out with not only a responsive webiste but also an app that people can download to their device. This lack of functionality on other websites allows us to take advantage of this gap in the market and will hopefully increase user base. Other opportunities that were identified through the competitive analysis include:

- Incorporating an online shop where users can buy unique political merchandise
- Integrate our app with voice assistive technology, screen readers, and multiple language options 
- Allowing users the option to sign up for upcoming election notifications

The user flow demonstrates the steps one takes to register to vote in your respective state. A second user flow follows the path of checking your registration status.

View the Vote Nation's low-fidelity prototype

I conducted two rounds of usability studies for this app design. These studies helped me determine pain points for users while completing tasks in this application. The first round helped to refine wireframes and initial mockups while the second round gave me insights on further improvements that were needed in the high-fidelity prototype.
The final high-fidelity prototype produced a cleaner design and better user flow overall.

View the Plant Vote Nation high-fidelity prototype

The creation of this application allowed me to further practice my skills in user research and design interation. It also allowed me to fine tune my skills in figma and really gain a better understanding of all the features Figma has to offer such as auto layout. During this process I further practiced my mockup skills using figma plugins to allow for a more interactive and visually appealing case study. Working on this project also allowed me to better undestand the process of UX design as whole. As this was my third project, I've become much more confident in my process and defending my design decisions.

This design project allowed me to create a platform that can elicit change within our society. No greater right do we have than the right to determine our our future through the people we chose to lead us.

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